Monday, December 30, 2019

The, Freire, And Noddings All Shared Elements Of...

Nietzsche, Freire, and Noddings all shared elements of postmodern worldview in their writings. The main idea in postmodern worldview is that knowledge comes from and is learned through the community. All three authors demonstrated this in their writings. However, the topics in these writings discuss how to improve education. The authors want to change the current ways of teaching which doesn’t take into account the student as an individual. It was also clear that it is not only the educator’s job, but also the responsibility of the entire community to educate students. This shows that a priority of postmodern worldview holds on education and that the educators have to make changes to benefit the students. Freire and Noddings both wrote that the relationship between the teacher and the student is almost nonexistent. Freire discussed how teachers are very rote in their teaching and that students are passive in their learning. Freire (1993) explained how he sees t he teacher and student relationship, â€Å"This relationship involves narrating Subjects (the teacher) and the patient listening objects (the students)† (Pedagogy of the Oppressed, p. 1). The teacher simply gives the students the knowledge with little involvement from the students. They do not interact with the teacher, the concepts, or ideas being learned. The students take the information and memorizes it and to hopefully be able to use it at a later date. Freire considers this process of teaching being

Sunday, December 22, 2019

What Is Enlightenment - 1028 Words

A More Enlightened Contemporary Society What is Enlightenment?, an explication that was written in 1784 in Prussia by the philosopher Immanuel Kant, discusses the principles that he deems to be truths surrounding significant topics such as freedom, reason, and an individual’s and/or societal necessity to be fully mature, in terms that he described as being scholar. Here, what is most evident is the reality that while he perceived the society as being unprepared to be fully mature, he nevertheless held faith on his belief that an age is fast approaching when societies will truly exhibit advances that will benefit them not only in political terms, but more so in their spiritual beliefs. As such, the importance of this particular literary†¦show more content†¦As such, several were of universal relevance, in that the realities of these teachings are able to withstand time. One of those is the truth in his claim that an individual who only teaches under a system that ha s been in existence for long periods of time, and of which he merely voices out the thoughts of his superiors, is inherently possessing a limited form of freedom. This can be proven by one of his cases, which is the priest, wherein his authority is understandably inferior to that of the entire organization, whereby the principles that he is able to preach must follow the pattern that has already been sturdily set. Another aspect that makes for a strong argument in his work can be evidenced in his prescribed motto of enlightenment, which is to â€Å"Have courage to use your own understanding† (Kant 1). As such, any individual who lacks the bravery to be independent in his decisions and who has learned the habit of relying on others to do the thinking for him will most assuredly find it difficult to attain maturity, in the intellectual and emotional aspect. Despite of the excellence and relevance of Kant’s work, I tend to perceive several arguments as weak points. On e of those is his seeming generalization of religious people as being possessing of a private type of reason. In my own viewpoint, this may prove to be a fallacy, as what can be evidenced in the proliferation and the different denominations ofShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Enlightenment1120 Words   |  5 PagesIn his essay titled What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant defines enlightenment as mans leaving his self-caused immaturity. (145) In order to fully comprehend his definition, one must first clearly understand Kants use of the term immaturity. He explains that immaturity is not thinking for oneself because of a lack of determination and courage to use ones intelligence without being guided by another. (145) To Kant, immaturity is the individuals fault. He explains that a pattern of immaturityRead MoreWhat is Enlightenment? Emmanuel Kant1086 Words   |  5 PagesIn his essay writing â€Å"What is Enlightenment?† Immanuel Kant defines enlightenment as â€Å"man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity† (Kant, 1). In order for us to completely understand this definition, we must first understand what Kant meant by â€Å"Immaturity†. In the writing Kant defines immaturity as â€Å"the inability to use one’s understanding without the guidance from another†(Kant, 1). Furthermore, Kant believes that this immaturity is self-imposed, and that it is the individual’s fault for lackingRead MoreWhat is Enlightenment? by Immanuel Kant607 Words   |  2 PagesIn this paper I will be talking about the article â€Å"What is Enlightenment† by Immanuel Kant. In this paper I will be answering the question that was given at the end of the articl e. I will talk about what enlightenment and what it entails. What tutelage is according to Kant? Also explain what Kant thought about the subject. What are the conditions for the gradual spread of enlightenment in the community? These are some of the questions that I will be answering in the essay and also give my opinionRead MoreThe Enlightenment Philosophers: What Was Their Main Idea2373 Words   |  10 PagesNetwork  » Literary Periods  » The Enlightenment 57 The Enlightenment The Enlightenment, sometimes referred to as the Age of Reason, was a confluence of ideas and activities that took place throughout the eighteenth century in Western Europe, England, and the American colonies. Scientific rationalism, exemplified by the scientific method, was the hallmark of everything related to the Enlightenment. Following close on the heels of the Renaissance, Enlightenment thinkers believed that the advancesRead MoreWhat Was the Main Ideas of Enlightenment Philosophers?838 Words   |  4 PagesXavier Jefferson 4-13-13 Mr. Love What is the Church? What is the church’s purpose? What is the Church? There are many different churches in America that say to be â€Å"Christian† and all claim to be the church that Jesus built, or say they are a part of it. We need to go back to the bible and see what it tells us (Christians and non-believers) about the church. The church is â€Å"an assembly† or â€Å"called out ones but to me it is the people that make up the church. It isn’t as people think and sayRead MoreTo What Extent Was the Enlightenment the Cause of the French Revolution3952 Words   |  16 PagesTo what extent were Enlightenment ideas responsible for the outbreak of the French Revolution and the reforms of 1789? Included sources attached: John Locke, â€Å"Two Treatises on Government†, 1690; The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizens, 1789; Arthur Young â€Å"Travels in France during the Years 1787, 1788, 1789† The ancien rà ©gime, the time before the outbreak of the revolution, was divided into three estates. The first estate, for the people of the highest position in France belongedRead MoreWhat was the historical significance of Voltaires Candide and its relevance during the Enlightenment?1445 Words   |  6 PagesWhat was the historical significance of Voltaires Candide and its relevance during the Enlightenment? In his work, Candide, Voltaire uses satire as a means of conveying his opinions about many aspects of European society in the eighteenth century, a period known as the Enlightenment. This Age of Reason swept through Europe, offering differing views on science, religion, and politics. The following essay will outline the philosophical theory of Pangloss, a character of the novel and suggestRead MoreTo What Extent Was The Enlightenment The Main Driving Force Behind The American And French Revolutions?1479 Words   |  6 PagesI. Source Evaluation This investigation focuses on the causes of Atlantic Revolutions and will explore the question: To what extent was the Enlightenment the main driving force behind the American and French Revolutions? The years 1685 to 1815 (Strayer, 2011) will be the focus of this investigation to allow for an analysis of the Enlightenment ideas’ impact the need for governmental change in the American colonies and France during the eighteenth century, as well as their governmental influencesRead MoreEurope, Ireland and the wider world I: Renaissance to Enlightenment, 1350 – 1750: HI2102 What were1200 Words   |  5 PagesEurope, Ireland and the wider world I: Renaissance to Enlightenment, 1350 – 1750: HI2102 What were the main causes of the Flight of the Earls? On the 14th of September in the year 1607 the Earl of Tyrone Hugh O’Neill and the Earl of Tyrconnel Rory O’Donnell fled Ireland alongside officials, their families and numerous Gaelic chieftains. They left Ireland from Rathmullen in County Donegal. This flee was to become known as the flight of the Earls. They arrived in the Spanish Netherlands and then eventuallyRead MoreWhat Is the Enlightenment? How Was This Question Answered by 18th Century Thinkers? and How Have Their Ideas Influenced Our Understanding of Modernity?962 Words   |  4 PagesThe Enlightenment of the eighteenth century was an intellectual movement and was seen to have different definitions created by a range of philosophes during and after the enlightenment period. These philosophers included Immanuel Kant, John Locke, Francis Bacon, Marquis de Condorcet, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Rene Descartes. Some believed that the enlightenment somewhat defined what we now call modernity and consider to be human . Immanuel Kant quoted in his famous 1784 essay, the â€Å"Enlightenment is

Friday, December 13, 2019

Request for Payment Free Essays

Jan Nikolas Acounting department IKEA Edinburgh United Kingdom 18 March 2012 Juan Trujillo Manager Peter Darby London United Kingdom Dear Juan Trujillo, I am writing to you in the matter of the contract with your company named Peter Darby. I produced for your company three hundred office desks. I has passed two month since the delivery. We will write a custom essay sample on Request for Payment or any similar topic only for you Order Now This order was at very short notice, but we were able to react quickly and deliver .. goods in time. We have yet not receive the payment for this contract. In the terms and conditions of our sales agreement †¦ is clearly stated, that you have to sent .. payment within thirty days of receipt of invoice. Our company is known for their patience and good handling with customers. I have already sent you two reminders, first four weeks after overdue and another four weeks after that. Feel free to check enclosed invoice and copies of the previous reminders. Now the acount is more than eight weeks overdue and I  am asking you politely to set the things straight as fast as possible. I  have constantly waited for the payment and it has affected my work and future contracts with other customers. I  have to warn you that you have already been charged 3% a  month in adition to payment for the late remittance as is stated in our terms and conditions. If we do not close this deal until next month, an interest will be raised to 5% a  month and you will be charged extra fee in ammount of 10% of your debt. I  also intend to take more steps if you keep not responding to our cause but I  honestly hope that taking this deal in front of the court will not be necessary. I  believe this is a  big misunderstanding and we will close this deal in short time. I  thank you   for your cooperation regarding this matter. I  wish you well in your future and I  hope we can continue doing business together, that will be smooth once again. Yours sincerely Martin Zajicek Branch Director I am writing to you in the matter of the contract with your company named Peter Darby. I had produced for your company three hundred office desks. It has passed two months since the merchandize had been delivered. This order was at very short notice, but we were able to react quickly and deliver the goods in time. We have not received the payment for this contract yet. In the terms and conditions of our sales agreement, there is clearly stated, that you have to send the payment within thirty days of receipt of invoice. Our company is well-known for its patience and respectful handling with the customers. I have already sent you two reminders, first four weeks after the overdue and the other four weeks after that. Feel free to check enclosed invoice and copies of previous reminders. Now the acount is more than eight weeks overdue and I  am asking you politely to set the things straight as fast as possible. I  have constantly waited for the payment and it has disorganized my work and future contracts with other customers. I  have to warn you that you have already been charged 3% a  month in adition to payment for the late remittance as it is stated in our terms and conditions. If we do work this deal out until next month, an interest will be raised to 5% a  month and you will be charged extra fee in ammount of 10% of your debt. I  also intend to take more steps if you keep not responding to our cause but I  honestly hope that taking this deal to the court will not be necessary. I  believe this is a  big misunderstanding and we will deal with it in a short time. I  thank you   for your cooperation regarding this matter. I  wish you will do well in your future and I  hope we can continue doing business together, that will be smooth once again. How to cite Request for Payment, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Food Essay Non-Sustainable Food Production

Question: What extent have industrial food manufacturers been responsible for non-sustainable food production? Answer: Sustainability is the most important aspect in todays world. It importance lies in the survival of the living being on earth. If one has to define sustainability, then the concept of consumption and production needs to be understood well enough. Sustainability can be defined in many ways. Sustainability can be defined as the capability of any person or resources to sustain them in the long run. The sustainability of resources is necessary for its utilization by the future generation. The sustainability became more and more important for the day consumption became far more than the production. The over consumption has also resulted in poverty and isolation of a certain group of people. This accounts for the social and economic barriers. Food is the essential thing that sustains life on earth, but recent conditions have hindered the sustainability of foods itself. The essay will give a brief overview of how the sustainability is threatened by the manufacturers or industries that deal w ith crop production, farming and other industries[1]. With rapid globalization and industrialization, the food requirements and the demands are increasing every minute. To meet the needs and demands of the market, the manufacturers, therefore, needs to produce a massive amount of products and within a short time. There are practices called monoculture. Monoculture is characterized by the production of a single crop on a large scale. However, a single crop environment is perfect for the harmful microorganisms to thrive upon and harm the food. To avoid such conditions the manufacturers uses pesticides that are artificial for fast result. Such actions decrease the sustainability of the foods produced. The production takes up the natural resources and also depletes the natural value of the food. The sustainability of the food circles two major points: impact of the food on people and the impact of the food produced in the environment. The pesticides that are used are one of the major concerns that affect both the two sectors of food sustain ability. Water is another resource that is readily depleted by the overconsumption in the food industries. In cases of industries that produce meat, the resource consumption is more compared to grain and crop outputs. This is because we feed on the animals that are fed grains instead of the grain itself. In such cases, a large amount of livestock energy is converted hence totally used up. The lack of sustainability can thus be related to the two important issues in the food industry. Firstly, most food industries consume mostly the nonrenewable resource such as fossil fuels. In cases of renewable resources, the rate of depletion is much greater than that of the regeneration[2]. Monoculture and another form of food production should, therefore, be stopped or modified for the lesser use of pesticides and fertilizers. More than this fertilizers and pesticides also harm the nearby river water contaminating the aquatic ecosystem and fishes, which are consumed by people. Therefore food su stainability according to Calgary's definition a sustainable food system is, therefore, a complete network that incorporates and implements every necessary element to increase the social, economic and environmental sustainabilit[3]y. Many methods can be adopted to lessen the chances of overexploitation and overconsumption of resources. One of the procedures is adopting the polyculture. Polyculture is less susceptible to the pest attack and hence would automatically reduce the use of the pesticides and fertilizers. Moreover, the sustainability can be achieved only within limits by set rules. It is the mindset and education, and awareness of people can contribute to the complete sustainability of the food production from the industries. Crop rotation can be another step towards sustainability along with water utilization in a sustainable way. Rainwater harvesting can be done to conserve water and also proper water irrigation systems[4]. Therefore, sustainable food systems need to be developed following certain principles like balanced consumption of nonrenewable source, lesser use of fertilizers, diversity according to the culture, choice and nutritional values. Other factors include maintaining proper economic bal ance and environmental balance, the health of individuals and connected ecosystems also needs to be considered if the aim is to suitably produce the foods[5]. Lesser use of genetically modified crops may also be used as a step towards sustainability. Organic production is seen to be useful in restoring and proper consumption of the resources for the sustainable production of the foods. Therefore, food sustainability is of utmost importance for the survival and development of the environment in the long run especially when it will require resources at a large rate[6]. References Blay, A,Imagining Sustainable Food Systems: Theory and Practice. in , , 2010. Goldman, R,Food and food poverty: Perspectives on distribution. in , , 1999. Gordon, G,Food for all in the twenty-first century. in , , 1999. Mepham, B,Food Ethics. in , , 2012 Peter, Newman,Sustainable agriculture for a food secure third world. in , , 2016. Robinson, G,Sustainable rural systems: sustainable agriculture and rural communities. in , , 2016. [1] Peter, Newman,Sustainable agriculture for a food secure third world. in , , 2016. [2] Mepham, B,Food Ethics. in , , 2012 [3] Gordon, G,Food for all in the twenty-first century. in , , 1999. [4] Goldman, R,Food and food poverty: Perspectives on distribution. in , , 1999. [5] Robinson, G,Sustainable rural systems: sustainable agriculture and rural communities. in , , 2016. [6] Blay, A,Imagining Sustainable Food Systems: Theory and Practice. in , , 2010.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Global Imbalance In Food Supply Essays - Humanitarian Aid, Poverty

Global Imbalance In Food Supply Right now, developing countries are starving to death and the developed countries are worried about which type of cheese they should buy. This is called an imbalance in food supply. There's too much food in the developed countries, and not enough in the developing countries. Three quarters of the world's population is inadequately fed and the majority of these live in the developing countries. Massive surpluses exist in Europe and the US. Malnutrition and undernutrition is generally caused by poverty. Markets in the developed countries are often too big and produce too much food for a population to consume. Developed countries' agriculture is lacking from unemployment, untreated diseases, food shortage, bad hygiene, lack of doctors, lack of capital, low income, unsuccessful agriculture and the constant threat from the developed world who takes their money away. All these are factors of food shortage in the developed countries. The United Nations try to help but they don't help in the long run. Instead of helping the dying ones they should get the standard of living higher, especially in terms of education. A national income doesn't increase if the percentage of the population in a developed country working in agriculture is increased. There is a concern in the developing countries about food availability, stability of supplies and access to supplies. Former approaches by the Food and Agriculture Organization to food security emphasized the supply side - food availability and supply stability - in particular through the building and maintenance of adequate levels of food stocks at the national and/or regional and international levels. For North America's agriculture, the war years were a period of expansion and prosperity. Agricultural production in this region increased by one third compared with pre-war levels, and net cereal exports rose from about 5 million tonnes in 1938 to an annual average of 17.5 million tonnes in 1946-48. Europe's net annual cereal imports rose from 9.5 million to 14 million tonnes at the same time. About 800 million people in the world were undernourished and that the threat of malnourishment was increasing in many countries. The need for closer identification of the causes, nature and magnitude of the problem so as to define coordinated strategies and realistic objectives; and the need to enhance international solidarity and mobilize the necessary resources. The Plan of Action adopted by the EU affirmed the commitment of the international community to eradicating the hunger and malnutrition affecting about one fifth of the developing world's population, and specifically to halving the number of undernourished people in the world within a period of 20 years. The EU also confirmed a consensus on several important points: that the problems of hunger and malnutrition are associated primarily with poverty. The general environment for growth and food security was improved by a move towards democratic regimes, particularly in Africa, and a consolidation of economic reforms that began to yield long-awaited results. Many developing countries, including some of the largest and most populous, benefited from this process and made further inroads into the longstanding problems of hunger and malnutrition. Conclusion Special attention has to be paid to the importance of increasing food production and productivity so that food could be made available at reasonable prices for the developing countries. Also, the developing countries must find better ways to import. The developed countries must pursue economic goals without the current levels of inacceptable environmental damage to themselves and other nations; World security is an achievable goal, but not with countries that harm themselves. An exception is Asia which has half of the world's population but only one fifth of the earth's surface, on top of that it is almost entirely dependent on agricultural exports. It's population is a big problem which is impossible to solve unless the government spreads a new virus, or enhance their AIDS virus. Asia will always be helpless and it is entirely uncontrollable. Geography

Monday, November 25, 2019

Rules for Japanese Letter Format

Rules for Japanese Letter Format The difference between written language and conversational language in Japanese is much greater than in English. Japanese letters often use classical grammar patterns which are seldom used in conversation. Although there are no particular rules when writing to close friends, there are many set expressions  and honorific expressions (Keigo) used in formal letters. A conversational style is not usually used when writing formal letters. Opening and Closing Words The opening and closing words in letters, which are similar to Englishs Dear and Sincerely etc., come in pairs. Haikei æ‹ Ã¥â€¢â€œ - Keigu æ• ¬Ã¥â€¦ ·The most common pair used in formal letters. Women sometimes use Kashiko㠁‹ã â€"㠁“ as a closing word instead of Keigu.Zenryaku å‰ Ã§â€¢ ¥ - Sousou è â€°Ã£â‚¬â€¦This pair is less formal. It is usually used when you dont have time to write a long letter, so that the preliminary greetings are omitted. Zenryaku literally means, omitting the preliminary remarks. Preliminary Greetings Ogenki de irasshaimasu ka. (very formal)㠁Šå…Æ'æ °â€"㠁 §Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€°Ã£  £Ã£ â€"ã‚Æ'㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€šHave you been doing well? Ogenki desu ka.㠁Šå…Æ'æ °â€"㠁 §Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€šHave you been doing well? Ikaga osugoshi de irasshaimasu ka. (very formal)㠁„㠁‹ã Å'㠁Šé Å½Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁 §Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€°Ã£  £Ã£ â€"ã‚Æ'㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€šHow have you been? Ikaga osugoshi desu ka.㠁„㠁‹ã Å'㠁Šé Å½Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁 §Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€šHow have you been? Okagesama de genki ni shite orimasu. (very formal)㠁Šã â€¹Ã£ â€™Ã£ â€¢Ã£  ¾Ã£  §Ã¥â€¦Æ'æ °â€"㠁 «Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ Å Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šFortunately Im doing well. Kazoku ichidou genki ni shite orimasu.Ã¥ ® ¶Ã¦â€" Ã¤ ¸â‚¬Ã¥ Å'å…Æ'æ °â€"㠁 «Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ Å Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šThe whole family is doing well. Otegami arigatou gozaimashita.㠁Šæ‰‹ç ´â„¢Ã£ â€šÃ£â€šÅ Ã£ Å'㠁 ¨Ã£ â€ Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â€"㠁Ÿã€‚Thank you for your letter. Nagai aida gobusata shite orimashite moushiwake gozaimasen. (very formal)é• ·Ã£ â€žÃ©â€"“㠁”ç„ ¡Ã¦ ²â„¢Ã¦ ± °Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ Å Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã§â€ ³Ã£ â€"è ¨ ³Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â€ºÃ£â€šâ€œÃ£â‚¬â€šI apologize for neglecting to write for such a long time. Gobusata shite orimasu.㠁”ç„ ¡Ã¦ ²â„¢Ã¦ ± °Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ Å Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šIm sorry I havent written for a long time. These expressions or seasonal greetings can be combined in a variety of ways to form the preliminary greeting. The Japanese have long admired the seasonal changes, therefore it seems too abrupt to start a letter without the proper seasonal greeting. Here are some examples. Gobusata shite orimasu ga, ogenki de irasshaimasu ka.㠁”ç„ ¡Ã¦ ²â„¢Ã¦ ± °Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ Å Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ Å'〠Ã£ Å Ã¥â€¦Æ'æ °â€"㠁 §Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€°Ã£  £Ã£ â€"ã‚Æ'㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€šIm sorry I havent written for a long time, but have you been doing well? Sukkari aki rashiku natte mairimashita ga, ikaga osugoshi de irasshaimasu ka.㠁™ã  £Ã£ â€¹Ã£â€šÅ Ã§ §â€¹Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£ â€"㠁 Ã£  ªÃ£  £Ã£  ¦Ã£  ¾Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â€"㠁Ÿã Å'〠Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€¹Ã£ Å'㠁Šé Å½Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁 §Ã£ â€žÃ£â€šâ€°Ã£  £Ã£ â€"ã‚Æ'㠁„㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€šIt has become very autumn like; how have you been? Samui hi ga tsuzuite orimasu ga, ikaga osugoshi desu ka.Ã¥ ¯â€™Ã£ â€žÃ¦â€" ¥Ã£ Å'ç ¶Å¡Ã£ â€žÃ£  ¦Ã£ Å Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£ Å'〠Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€¹Ã£ Å'㠁Šé Å½Ã£ â€Ã£ â€"㠁 §Ã£ â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£â‚¬â€šCold days continue; how have you been? Final Greetings Douka yoroshiku onegai itashimasu.㠁 ©Ã£ â€ Ã£ â€¹Ã£â€šË†Ã£â€š Ã£ â€"㠁 Ã£ Å Ã© ¡ËœÃ£ â€žÃ£ â€"㠁 ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šKindly look after this matter for me. ~ ni yoroshiku otsutae kudasai.㠁 «Ã£â€šË†Ã£â€š Ã£ â€"㠁 Ã£ Å Ã¤ ¼ Ã£ Ë†Ã£  Ã£   Ã£ â€¢Ã£ â€žÃ£â‚¬â€šPlease give my regards to ~. Minasama ni douzo yoroshiku.皆æ §ËœÃ£  «Ã£  ©Ã£ â€ Ã£ Å¾Ã£â€šË†Ã£â€š Ã£ â€"㠁 Ã£â‚¬â€šPlease give my regards to everyone. Okarada o taisetsu ni.㠁Šä ½â€œÃ£â€šâ€™Ã¥ ¤ §Ã¥Ë†â€¡Ã£  «Ã£â‚¬â€šPlease take care of yourself. Douzo ogenki de.㠁 ©Ã£ â€ Ã£ Å¾Ã£ Å Ã¥â€¦Æ'æ °â€"㠁 §Ã£â‚¬â€šTake care of yourself. Ohenji omachi shite orimasu.㠁Šè ¿â€Ã¤ ºâ€¹Ã£ Å Ã¥ ¾â€¦Ã£  ¡Ã£ â€"㠁 ¦Ã£ Å Ã£â€šÅ Ã£  ¾Ã£ â„¢Ã£â‚¬â€šI look forward to hearing from you.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

There is two questions. And i will place them in instruction later Essay

There is two questions. And i will place them in instruction later. Because there is words limitation - Essay Example not just restricted to the textual analysis domain, but can also be used on various areas like coding of students’ drawings or actions that are observed in various videotaped studies. Krippendorff (2009) says that therefore, one can conclude that the content analysis process is a big motivator to the researcher, who often looks for techniques that he can use is in inferring from different forms of symbolic data, which would have been very costly to undertake, obstructive or quite impossible if other techniques would have been used. In order to get the desired results it is important that the researcher understands the steps to be followed in doing the content analysis process. First, the researcher has to understand the process itself comprehensively before beginning on the following steps listed below. The decision to use the content analysis process in the research process should be preceded by clear objectives, which outline the kinds of questions to be answered. The development of these questions should be based on the prevailing needs of the project, as well as the data available. Precisely, it is important to realize that worded questions are very effective in providing the right focus for the data collection process, analysis, as well as reporting. The content analysis process is effective in answering questions involving â€Å"what?† and not â€Å"why?† in this regard, it is very essential in assisting analysts in describing and summarizing written material content, attitudes as well as the perceptions that the writer had, including its effects on the targeted audience. Before the decision to use the content analysis process, the project staff is supposed to effectively assess all the written materials in order to determine their quality. They need to find out if the material available is an actual representation of the written material or what is said. Any material that has some missing information cannot be used effectively in the analysis process.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Retail world in 2020 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Retail world in 2020 - Essay Example The classic example of this is Apple Watch that was just recently launched. Apple Watch is not just a regular watch that tells time but could also send and receive calls via iPhone. It also has hundreds of apps (Stein) that could serve as a platform for retail when the technology is harnessed in the future. Thus time will come that wearable devices such as watches will not only tell time, receive and send messages but will also become a store where one can shop from fashionable clothing lines to high end items. In addition to digitizing fashion, the way that fashion will be processed and retailed will also become â€Å"greener†, sustainable and ethical. This means that ecologically damaging manufacturing practices will be shun by the buying public and will prefer the â€Å"greener† business whose practices are ecologically sound. This means that the use of furs and other materials that came from endangered species will be generally frowned upon by the market in the futu re. The traditional brick and mortar retailers in the future will not entirely vanished but will just become more efficient. This means that retailers in the future will have more sales per square meter of the store as â€Å"In-store mapping and smart navigation will become highly accurate . . . by effectively tracking the whereabouts of the shoppers† (Mehta). It will put retailers in a better position to effectively design the layout of their stores that would make the best route for customers to do their shopping.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Investigating arson and bombings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Investigating arson and bombings - Essay Example In a preliminary investigation, an investigator should be searching for two things once the fire has been extinguished: the point of origin and the cause of the fire. The point of origin is where the fire began; it is easier to determine the cause of the fire once the point of origin is discovered. For instance, the presence of combustible materials far away from an electrical outlet could indicate the point of origin and a candidate for the cause of the fire. In addition, the United States Justice Department recommends that arson investigators, upon arriving to the scene, mentally note evidence at the scene, recognize threats to evidence, and protect evidence from threats. Part of the advantage of arriving on the scene of a potential arson is the identification of the color and height of smoke and flames. The intensity of the fire and the role that accelerants played in starting it can be inferred from the nature of its flames. Depending on the temperature, flames range from red to yellow to blue to white. According to Burke (2006), normal flames tend to burn with a combination of yellow and orange; generally, hydrocarbon accelerants produce a yellow-to-deep red flame and deep red flames with dense black smoke indicates petroleum products. By arriving at the scene early enough, the arson investigator can visually observe these signs of accelerants and infer additional clues. In addition, the flame and smoke of arson cases also gives clues to the other senses, including the sense of smell. The seasoned arson investigator should be able to recognize the scent of accelerants. Gasoline and kerosene, for instance, have noticeably different smells. The investigator should also be able to distinguish between paint thinner and lacquer, which are common accelerants used in arson cases. These various scents are given off and carried when they fuel a fire. Evidence comes in a number of forms. Primary evidence includes direct, material evidence of a crime

Friday, November 15, 2019

Infections in Hb SD Disease

Infections in Hb SD Disease Case Report HBSD Disease, a compound heterozygote condition presentation with stroke Dr. Hasnain Afzal 1 Dr. Syed Farrukh Umair 2 Abstract Haemoglobin SD ÃŽ ²S/ÃŽ ²D is a rare compound heterozygous Haemoglobinopathy which presents as severe disease similar to homozygous sickle cell anemia(1). The patient being reported is a 8 yr old girl, Kiran who is a resident of Larkana, presented with complains of fever and headache for 15 days which progressed to generalized tonic clonic seizures and acute loss of consciousness while being treated in Larkana. After the child was stabilized, a thorough history, physical examination was done; initial laboratory tests, lumbar puncture, and MRI were performed. Treatment was started on the lines of acute meningoencephalitis on clinical suspicion. On peripheral blood film, sickle shaped cells, target cells, poikilocytosis, anisocytosis were noted and Hb Electrophoresis was sent which showed compound heterozygous state for Hb S/ Hb D. The lumbar puncture was negative for CSF infection and an alternate diagnosis was sought Introduction The adult hemoglobin HbA molecule consists of two ÃŽ ± chains coded by 4 genes on chromosome 16 and two beta chains coded by 2 genes in the ÃŽ ² gene cluster on chromosome 11(2). Sickle Hemoglobulin Hb S is a beta chain variant which occurs when valine is substituted for glutamic acid on the surface of the Hb S molecule in the sixth codon of the beta globin chain whereas the most common subtype of HbD i.e HbD Punjab also known as Haemoglobulin D Los Angeles (after the city where it was first discovered) is also a beta chain variant caused by a glutamic acid to glutamine substitution at codon 121 of the beta globin gene. HbS is associated with a number of compound heterozygous syndromes with other mutant beta globin which include Hemoglobin SC disease, Sickle beta+thalassemia, Sickle beta0thalassemia, Sickle alpha thalassemia, Sickle hereditary persistence of HbF (sickle HPFH), Other less common sickle cell syndrome variants (eg, delta beta0thalassemia, Hb Lepore, HbD, HbO Arab, HbE). HbSD presents as mild to moderate hemolytic anemia unlike HbD homogyzous and simple hetrozygotes which are usually asymptomatic.(3) Discussion A study done on abnormal hemoglobin variants among the major ethnic groups of Karachi in 2002 showed that 60% had iron-deficiency anemia and 40% had hemolytic anemia, of which 20.6 % was due to thalassemia major, 13% thalassemia trait, 5.1% sickle cell disease, 0.76% hemoglobin D Punjab (HbD Punjab), 0.32% hemoglobin C (HbC), and 0.22% hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) (4).Hb S is the most common Hb variant, its clinical outcome is severe in homozygous or when associated with other hemoglobinopathies, such as beta-thalassemia, Hb C or Hb D. (5). A number of studies have been done on Hb S and Hb C but Hb D is still poorly studied especially in Pakistan. Hemoglobin D has several varients such as HbD Punjab (Los Angeles), Hb D Iran, Hb D Ibadan and Hb D Bushman but the most common variant is HbD-Los Angeles (also called HbD-Punjab). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) can be used to separate hemoglobin polypeptide chains in the laboratory. High performance liqu id chromatography (HPLC) employs ion exchange method to identify and exchange various fractions of Hb.Hb D can be also distinguished from Hb S by acid electrophoresis or isoelectric focusing (IEF) (separation according to isoelectric points). On alkali electrophoresis (cellulose acetate) Hb D Punjab migrates slower than Hb A which is similar to HbS but its migration under acid electrophoresis (agarose gel) is similar to Hb A (6) In HbSD disease, HbD does not take part in the sickling process, as patients homozygous for HbD do not sickle but mild hemolytic anemia, mild to moderate splenomegaly may occur (7,8). Studies has indicated that although HbD itself does not polymerize, it increases the hydrophobic interaction between Hb S molecules and facilitates the polymerization of HbS thus enhancing the severity of the disease. (9) HbD heterozygotes with normal HbA have no clinical or hematologic alterations. (6) Table 1.1: Hb Electrophoresis : Test Done on high performance liquid chroma tography (HPLC) Haemoglobin Test Percentage Normal Percentage Haemoglobin A 20.7% (98-100) Haemoglobin A2 2.6% (1.5-3.5) Haemoglobin F 13% (1-2) Haemoglobin D 37.9% (0.0-0.0) Haemoglobin S 25.8% (0.0-0.0) Interpretation A+F+D+S+A2 Case Report 8 yr old, 16 kg, Kiran resident of Larkana district, presented to us on 7th April, 2015 with acute loss of consciousness and recurrent episodes of seizures for 3 days. Patient’s father reported that she was in a usual state of health 15 days back when she developed high grade intermittent fever and constant severe headache associated nausea, vomiting and neck stiffness. She was taken to a primary care hospital in Larkana and treated on the lines of viral/bacterial meningoencephalitis. During her hospital stay in Larkana she developed recurrent episodes of generalized tonic clonic seizures which were controlled by multiple antiepileptic agents. First Lumbar pucture was done on 31ST March, 2015 and CSF DR showed 21mg/dl Protein, 68 mg/dl Glucose, CSF TLC 17 and 2-3 RBC/HPF. CT was done on 31st March, 2015 showed generalized brain edema. Upon arrival in ICU Patel Hospital the patient was in a comatose condition with GCS 5/10, bilateral upgoing planters and flexor response to pain (decorticate) Patient was febrile 103F, other vitals were BP 130/90, Pulse 100, RR 28. After the child was stabilized, a thorough history, physical examination was done; initial laboratory tests, lumbar puncture, and MRI were performed. CBC showed normocytic anemia and peripheral film showed target cells, sickle cells, anisocystosis, poikilocytosis, polychromasia diamorphic picture. Hb Electrophoresis was sent on hematologist advice. Patient was started on mannitol to decrease intracranial pressure and multiple antiepileptic agents for seizure prevention. ATT, bacterial and viral meningitis cover was given and CSF DR was sent on 9th April, 2015 which showed 27 mg/dl Protein, 71 mg/dl Glucose, Chloride 123 mg/dl, TLC 04 and 17 RBC/HPF. CSF fluid gram stain, culture were initially negative. AFB Culture report to follow in 6 weeks. MRI done on 8th April, 2015 showed widespread abnormal signal intensity area involving bilateral frontal and parietal lobes. Few focal hyperintense signals were identified on bilateral occipital region which may represent areas of ischemic infarction. An alternate diagnosis such as cerebral ischemia due to small infarcts/ vasculitis involving bilateral frontal and parietal lobes was sought secondary to Hb SD disease. Patient had significant improvement in GCS 10/15 with spontaneous eye opening, withdrawal on pain and few incomprehensible sounds and was shifted out of the ICU due to financial constraints. Graph 1.1 High Performance Liquid Chromatography Conclusion The case demonstrates increase susceptibility to infections in Hb SD disease. Studies are seldom on Hb D in Pakistan. Genetic counceling is of pivotal role in hereditary hemoglobinopathies and hospitals should consider it as an important management strategy and employ in hospital genetic counceling facilities. Hydroxyurea used to increase Hb F levels in Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease Hb SS disease has shown efficacy by reducing the complications, frequency of transfusions and hospitalization but its role in Hb SD Punjab is not well established. A recent study in India showed reduction in incidence of vaso-occlution and frequency blood transfusions in Hb SD Punjab disease which is encouraging and more studies should be done on the management of Hb SC compound heterozygous disease. (10) References Rahimah A, Syahira Lazira O, Siti Hida HM, Faidatul Syazlin AH, Nur Aisyah A, Nik Hafidzah NM, Zubaidah Z. Haemoglobin sickle d punjab: a case report. Med J Malaysia. 2014 Feb;69(1):42-3. Birol G, Abdullah C, Cagatay U4, Sule MY, Ferda TT, Sevcan TB. ÃŽ ²-Globin chain abnormalities with coexisting ÃŽ ±-thalassemia mutations. Arch Med Sci 2012; 8, 4: 644-649. El-Kalla S, Mathews A R. HbD Punjab in the United Arab Emirates. Hemoglobin 1997;21:369-75. Ghani R,Manji MA,Ahmed N. Hemoglobinopathies among five major ethnic groups in Karachi, Pakistan. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health.2002 Dec;33(4):855-61. Thom CS, Dickson CF, Gell DA, Weiss MJ. Hemoglobin variants: biochemical properties and clinical correlates. ColdSpring Harb Perspect Med. 2013;3(3):a011858.4. Torres Lde S,Okumura JV,Silva DG,Bonini-Domingos CR. Hemoglobin D-Punjab:origin,distributionand laboratory diagnosis. Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter.2015 Mar-Apr;37(2):120-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bjhh.2015.02.007. Epub 2015 Feb 23. Adekile A, Muah-AlI A, Akar NA. Does elevated hemoglobin Fmodulate the phenotype in Hb SD-Los Angeles? ActaHaematol. 2010;123(3):135–9. Taghavi Basmanj M, Karimipoor M, Amirian A, Jafarinejad M,Katouzian L, Valaei A, et al. Co-inheritance of hemoglobin D and thalassemia traits in three families: clinical relevance.Arch Iran Med. 2011;14(1):61–3. Winford CW, John NL. Wintrobes Clinical Hematology, 11th edn. Philadephia; 2004. pp. 1347-81. Patel S, Purohit P, Ranjeet SM, Dehury S, Meher S, Sahoo S,et al. The effect of hydroxyurea on compound heterozygotesfor sickle cell-hemoglobin D-Punjab—a single centreexperience in eastern India. Pediatr Blood Cancer.2014;61(8):1341–6.32.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

john keats :: essays research papers

John’s mother took her husbands’ death very hard. She could no longer run the stable business that her husband ran for so many years. With these facts in place, Frances then looks to remarry to help run the business. Barely two months after her husbands’ death, she remarried a minor bank clerk named William Rawlings on June 27, 1804. William was a fortune hunter and the children did not like him at all. Mr. Rawlings did not care about anything but money during their marriage, which made the marriage an indefinite disaster. Upon the end of their ill-fated marriage John, along with his other siblings were sent to live with their grand parents, months later Frances moved in also. Frances also left Mr. Rawlings with the stables she inherited from her late husband Thomas, and from that day forward Frances health began to dwindle away.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The times up until know have been very hard on the Keats family, especially hard on the children, they only get worse as time goes on. The children loved being around their grandparents and living with them, they cared very deeply about them. On March 8, 1805, John Keats grandfather died of natural causes. With his death not only did grief and sorrow fill the families heart; his death also brought on a financial burden, which will seem to consume John for the rest of his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This issue of money all began when Mr. Jennings, being the gullible person he was, hired a land surveyor, not a lawyer to write his will. The sneaky land developer intentionally made John’s grandfathers’ will to be extremely vague and ill written. Mr. Jennings real wishes were obscured and open to interpretation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fight over shares in the estate began shortly after his death (and ended long after John Keats’ death).